Adding Post Processing Profiles with Universal Render Pipeline (URP) in Unity

Chris Hilton
2 min readOct 25, 2021

Objective: To explain how to add a Post Processing Profiles to your URP project in Unity.

If you are using URP in your Unity project and you are using Unity 2019.3 and above, it comes with built in post processing so you don’t need to download any additional packages. In fact URP is not compatible with post processing stack V2. URP uses something called the ‘Volumeframework for it’s post processing effects. Let’s get it setup to use…

Getting Post Processing Setup for Your URP Project

First step is to go to the ‘+’ symbol in the Hierarchy window → ‘Volume’ → ‘Global Volume’. Global Volume means it is going to effect our entire scene.

Next we need to create a new ‘Profile’. Whilst having the ‘Global Volume’ game object selected in the Hierarchy, jump into the Inspector and on the ‘Volume’ script component that is attached, head down to ‘Profile’ → ‘New’:

This will automatically create a new asset in the Project window, in your Scenes folder — ‘Global Volume Profile’:

This is going to give us access to making changes to our Volume.

Lastly, let’s click on the ‘Main Camera’ game object and under ‘Rendering’ make sure the ‘Post Processing’ box is ticked and depending on your target platform either set anti-aliasing to ‘Fast Approximate Anti-aliasing (FXAA)’ or ‘Subpixel Morphological Anti-aliasing (SMAA)’:

Anti-aliasing is going to help smooth out edges when it renders a scene.

